INTD 4107: Skin Disease from a Humanities Perspective

Course Instructors

Ruth Berggren, M.D., MACP, Director, Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics
John C. Browning, M.D., FAAD, FAAP, Adjunct Professor

Course Description

This elective is for MSIV medical students with a special interest in learning about skin diseases through a humanities perspective. Throughout the four-week course, students will attend various clinics (pediatric dermatology clinic and Travis Park Dermatology Clinic) create a project, and write an essay on activities encountered during the elective. The students will also complete brief writing assignments each week after watching videos, movies, and/or reading books.

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this one-period elective, students will be able to:

  • provide medical service and compassionate care to vulnerable populations
  • describe the responsibilities of running a clinic for the underserved
  • discuss the value of community service in the life of a physician
  • use reflection to deepen their understanding of the value of caring for others
  • discuss the limitations of the current health care system
  • advocate for improvements in our health care system and social justice

Additional objectives of the elective are to:

  • provide service-learning experiences for our medical students
  • broaden student clinical skills including history taking, physical examination, assessment, treatment, and counseling
  • improve health care to persons with skin disease by providing opportunities for medical students to learn about living with chronic illness, stigma, cost-effective disease management, and prevention of relapses

Course Requirements

  • Clinic observation twice a week
  • Weekly reflection paper (1-page)
  • Final Project & Essay

If you are interested in this course, please contact Dr. Browning