2022 CSL Conference
15th Annual Community Service Learning Conference: Unseen and Unheard: Meeting the Needs of Displaced Youth
Saturday, February 5, 2022
8:15 am to 2:30 pm
Virtual Event
UT Health San Antonio
Keynote Speaker
Jennifer Rodriguez, JD
Executive Director of the Youth Law Center and a National Youth Advocate

8:15-8:45 am | Welcome & Opening Remarks Ruth Berggren, MD, MACP, Director, Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, UT Health San Antonio Honorable Peter Sakai, Retired Judge, 225th District Court, Bexar County | |
8:45-9:15 am | Plenary: State of Youth Health in Texas Ryan Van Ramshorst, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Director, Medicaid/CHIP Services, Texas Health and Human Services Commission |
9:15-10:15 am | Keynote: Seeing and Hearing Youth as They Deserve to Be Seen: Your Power to Change a Life Jennifer Rodriguez, JD, Executive Director of the Youth Law Center and National Youth Advocate | Webinar Recording |
10:15-10:45 am | Virtual Community Partner Session | |
10:45-11:35 am | Breakout Workshops: Choose one. A. Bridges [Puentes]: A Strength-Based Approach for Helping Immigrant Families and Youth Cope with Stress in the Face of Adversity Luz Garcini, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Center for Research to Advance Community Health (ReACH), UT Health San Antonio B. We Got Us: A Grassroots Model for Community Centered Health Equity LaShyra (“Lash”) Nolen, 3rd Year Medical Student, Harvard Medical School | Workshop A Recording Workshop B Recording |
11:35-11:45 am | Break | |
11:45 am -12:45 pm | Learning from Youth: South Texas Young Leaders Panel Moderator: Rachel Pearson, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Humanities, Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, UT Health San Antonio | Webinar Recording |
12:45-1:45 pm | Virtual CSL Poster Session | |
1:45-2:30 pm | Presentation of Top CSL Posters with Live Judging | Webinar Recording |
- To share best practices and scholarship in community service learning with a focus on how to meet the needs of displaced youth.
- To bring together an interprofessional group of University of Texas (UT) Health Science Center students, faculty, and staff from across the state with community partners to foster service-learning collaborations.
- To highlight existing UT Health Science System community service learning projects and future opportunities.
- To recognize and reward excellence in community service learning within the UT Health Science System.
About the Conference
Community Service Learning (CSL) is a structured learning experience that combines community service with explicit learning objectives, preparation, mentorship and reflection. UT Health San Antonio students address community-identified needs while learning about the context in which illness develops, connecting their academic coursework to real-life situations, and reflecting on their roles as future healthcare professionals.
The Annual CSL Conference at UT Health San Antonio originated in 2008 as an opportunity to learn from the CSL experiences of students, faculty, staff, and community partners in San Antonio and across Texas. Each year, the conference focuses on a theme relevant to service-learning and hosts experts and guest lecturers, provides skill-building workshops, and showcases CSL projects through students’ poster presentations.
Presented by the Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics in conjunction with an interprofessional planning committee, the conference is free and open to the community.
Conference Chair: Melanie Stone, MPH, MEd, Assistant Director of Community Service Learning, Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, UT Health San Antonio
Honorary Co-Chairs: Rachel Pearson, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and of the Medical Humanities, Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, UT Health San Antonio and Ryan Van Ramshorst, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Director, Medicaid/CHIP Services, Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Thank You to Our Conference Sponsors
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio:
Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics
LINC (Linking Interprofessional Networks for Collaboration)
Long School of Medicine
Office of the President
School of Dentistry
School of Health Professions
UT Austin College of Pharmacy Division of Pharmacotherapy
UT School of Public Health San Antonio Regional Campus